Needing real connection? Join our online community

We promote authenticity over image


Use our forum to post about real-life issues without fear of judgement

Humane Kinect fosters a compassionate, nonjudgmental space where members can post about challenges they’re dealing with or have overcome.

Forum categories evolve to the public’s needs and span across a broad array of real-life issues. Examples include relationships, depression, addiction, physical health, childhood trauma, finances and parenting.

Invite-Only Forum

Forum Layout

The forum functions like an open diary for personal improvement where it’s okay to admit to mistakes, setbacks or if you feel stuck. Success stories in relation to your character development are also encouraged to be shared.

SELF-AWARENESS leads to self-improvement

We’re glad you’re here

Join us to break the mold of an image-obsessed society

Humane kinect

A better way to do community

Maintaining a safe, supportive community

Read about our community guidelines here