
Humane Kinect, Inc.

Founded in 2022, Humane Kinect is an independent, non-profit organization promoting open, meaningful, and uplifting human interaction through its online forum and platform, HumaneKinect.org.

As an invite-only community, personal posts and conversations can be shared in a nonjudgmental, wholesome setting with a focus on connection and self-improvement. Self-improvement is particularly focused upon by promoting acceptance of oneself. 


Humane Kinect fosters friendship by inspiring human connections through sharing and relating to each other’s personal life experiences.

We believe the commonality of being imperfect human beings trying our best wherever we’re at in life is enough to have compassion and love one another.

We discourage social division based on heritage, creed, political affiliation, appearance, race, sexual orientation, affluency, and so on.

Self-Improvement and Combating Shame

Humane Kinect focuses its members to share anything close to the heart including personal issues, hardships, failures, and successes, whether it’s something from the past or ongoing.

Sharing failures is emphasized to promote self-awareness and personal growth.  Humane Kinect is dedicated to carefully crafting a loving culture within its community to allow its members to freely share without fear of being looked down upon, ridiculed, taunted, or belittled.

With the Humane Kinect community leading the charge by being open and real, we believe this has the potential to disarm those who would otherwise remain closed off and enables them to relate to us and possibly even share more about themselves.

We support the belief that no one is perfect and that our acceptance of each other helps us grow together as a community.  We seek to promote understanding and compassion over judgement.

Through openness, authenticity, genuineness, and honesty, we seek to combat struggles with shame and unacceptance of ourselves. We are human beings; we all make mistakes; we all have failed multiple times in our lives in one way or another.

Acknowledging our imperfections among others who commend us instead of ridicule us for doing so helps empower and accept ourselves as we are; this in turn can inspire positive change.