
To participate in the Humane Kinect forum, all members must agree to abide by our forum rules. Humane Kinect’s culture is based on compassion, self-awareness, self-improvement, openness, and honesty. As such, we’ve established the following rules to help ensure we have a safe and supportive space for people to share their experiences and connect with others.

Forum rules


  • Posts should be written in the first person and focus on your own experiences: When creating original posts, share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences using “I” statements. This personal approach fosters authenticity and allows others to better connect with your journey.
  • Avoid graphic details about self-destructive behaviors: To maintain a safe environment for all members, refrain from including explicit or triggering descriptions of self-destructive behaviors. Instead, focus on sharing the emotions and challenges you faced during those times.
  • Don’t boast about wrongdoings or poor behavior: Promote a positive and supportive atmosphere by avoiding any form of boasting or glorifying negative actions. Instead, focus on personal growth and the lessons learned from past experiences.
  • Be honest and open in your sharing: Embrace honesty and openness when sharing your experiences. Honesty helps build trust within the community and encourages others to open up as well.
  • Don’t compare yourself to other members: Every individual’s journey is unique, and comparisons can be detrimental. Embrace diversity and avoid comparing your experiences or progress with those of other members.
  • Avoid exaggeration and sensationalism: Communicate with sincerity and truthfulness. Refrain from exaggerating or sensationalizing your experiences, as genuine connections are built on honesty.


  • Be understanding and compassionate: When responding to others’ posts, show empathy and compassion. Recognize the courage it takes to share personal experiences and offer a caring response.
  • Focus on how you relate to the other person’s experiences: Connect with fellow members by sharing how their experiences resonate with your own. This fosters a sense of understanding and camaraderie within the community.
  • Offer compliments whenever possible: Acknowledge and commend the strength and resilience of others whenever you can. A genuine compliment can uplift spirits and provide much-needed support.
  • Don’t be judgmental or condescending: Avoid making judgments about others’ experiences, feelings, or actions. Instead, be open-minded and non-judgmental in your responses.
  • Don’t offer advice unless asked, and if asked, only offer advice after establishing that you care about the person: Respect personal boundaries and avoid giving unsolicited advice. If someone seeks guidance, first express empathy and understanding before offering thoughtful advice.
  • Respond thoughtfully and uniquely: Craft responses that reflect careful consideration and a unique perspective. Thoughtful responses contribute to meaningful discussions and connections.
  • Ask for clarity as needed to avoid making assumptions: Seek clarification when necessary to ensure you understand others’ posts fully. Avoid making assumptions and offer support based on clear understanding.


  • To help keep our community safe, we encourage members to flag any post in violation of the forum rules: If you come across any content that violates the guidelines or community standards, use the flagging feature to bring it to the attention of site moderators.
  • Violations will be evaluated by site moderators on a case-by-case basis: The moderators will review reported violations carefully to ensure fair and appropriate actions are taken.
  • First offenses can result in either a warning, a probationary period, or an automatic ban from the website: Depending on the severity and nature of the violation, the moderators will determine appropriate consequences, ranging from a warning to a temporary ban or permanent removal.
  • Individuals who have been banned from the website can appeal to the moderators for reconsideration after 6 months from the initial ban.


  • Humane Kinect is a community based on compassion, self-awareness, self-improvement, openness, and honesty: Our core values form the foundation of our supportive and uplifting community, where individuals can share their stories and connect with others.
  • We strive to create a safe and supportive space for people to share their experiences and connect with others: Our mission is to provide a secure and caring environment where individuals feel comfortable sharing their journeys and finding support from like-minded peers.
  • We do not condone or support illegal activities: We prioritize ethical behavior and expect all members to respect legal boundaries.
  • We believe that mental health is important and that everyone deserves to have access to support: Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and our community aims to provide understanding and support to those in need.


  • Humane Kinect does not provide mental health services and should not be considered a substitute for professional therapy: We are a peer support group, and while we offer understanding and empathy, our platform is not a replacement for professional mental health services. We serve the space of mental wellness.
  • We are a peer support group, and our goal is to provide a safe space for people to connect with others and share their experiences: We encourage open communication and the building of connections through shared experiences, fostering an environment of empathy and understanding.